
How to make lord of atlantis in monster legends
How to make lord of atlantis in monster legends

how to make lord of atlantis in monster legends

Now for the titan score that you are targeting: To get tier 14, you need an A score on a 12 star titan, or B score on a 13 star titan. To get Tier 9, you need a B score on an 8 star titan. Therefore, the important Loot Tiers are Tier 9 & Tier 14. TLDR Below is the number of chances you get for “Ascension items” at each tier level. (You can read these guides on the best heroes in empires and puzzles, or look at all the heroes in empires and puzzles and how it ranks in certain aspects of the game) Tips on Farming titansįirst, we need to start off with understanding how titan loots are calculated. (usually about $USD 2 to $USD 15 per Epic Ascension)īroadly speaking, there are only three ways about this – Farm more, Spend more, or Choose to ascend heroes wisely. Atlantis Summons, Costume Summons and Valhalla Summons.Willing Alliance wars and filling war chest.Farming Mission chest (and occasionally elemental chest).The rare & Epic ascension materials required for ascension are only obtainable via: Oftentimes the limitation on being able to improve your team is the scarcity of high level ascension materials (also known as the ‘Mat Wall’).

how to make lord of atlantis in monster legends

The thing about farming for these Rare and Epic Ascension materials that you are always short on is that it cannot be obtained from any of the wor Best levels to farm: Recruits, exp, food & ironįarming to complete Special Elemental Chest Fire Chest Farming – Fire monsters

How to make lord of atlantis in monster legends